The Power of Intention

With the new year comes lots of excitement. The feeling of new beginnings and new opportunities, with the buzz about resolutions everywhere. But how positive are these New Year’s resolutions that we make? Sometimes, making these resolutions can lead to guilt and shame if they are not carried out in the allotted time we allow ourselves to achieve these things. Or maybe we make resolutions that are just simply not attainable due to things like work, school, family, kids, ability, or just life in general. Just the pressure to make a resolution is enough to make someone feel guilty or not good enough. That’s why we’ve decided this year to make New Year’s Intentions!
A New Year’s Resolution creates this idea that you are not good enough and that you must achieve something to be better and worthy of the year. This is simply not true! Intentions are created on the premise that you are enough, and that you can generate a better life for yourself. One that you are worthy of where you can prosper and grow!
A New Year’s Intention is an intended concept. An intention to increase the number of supportive relationships in our life. An intention to increase self awareness. An intention to find mindful moments throughout the day. Little reminders and ways to create more positivity and enjoyment in your life without holding yourself to unachievable numbers. Concrete resolutions can be limiting and could prevent you from deviating or exploring other options! Intentions can be used for just that: exploration. Exploring the possibilities of what it means for you to live positively. This could be intending to become more comfortable with where you’re at, or it could be finding the courage to do that one thing you’ve been scared to do. Whatever your New Year’s Intention is, know that if it’s not achieved, it’s okay, and that you can set more throughout the year! Intentions are not just for New Year’s Day.
From all of us at Better Living Solutions, we wish you a happy and healthy 2020! Happy New Year! Remember to Be Well, Be Real, and Be YOU!
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